12 August 2008

Pregnancy Fear 5: Horrible Stretch Marks

Up to 90% of pregnant women develop stretch marks. The vast majority of them never disappear completely. Stretch marks are caused when the skin is stretched to the point of breaking down, similar to elastic losing its' elasticity. It can come about from rapid weight gain over a short space of time, typically during pregnancy.

So to avoid stretch marks a healthy, modest weight gain of 9-12 kilos (20-25 pounds), combined with a sound pre and post natal exercise program will ensure that you gain the weight slowly and lose it quickly. By putting less stress on your skin, you will greatly reduce the occurrence of stretch marks.

A holistic pregnancy nutrition plan will keep your skin healthy and resistant to developing stretch marks.

Get started here with the Holistic and Healthy Pregnancy Program

Pregnancy Fear 4: I Will Be Fat and Never Fit Back Into My Pre-Baby Jeans

More than 25% of women gain 18 or more kilos (40 or more pounds) during pregnancy. Surveys indicate that most of them are unsuccessful in losing all the weight and never return to their pre-pregnancy bodyweight.

How are you to lose the weight when current exercise and nutrition guidelines for pregnant women are outdated and will actually make you FAT.

There is an answer.

By eating the proper food, in the proper amounts (no starving), you can gain a modest 9-12 kilos (20-25 pounds) based on a woman of average build. The great part is you can lose it all within a few short months after delivery.

Get started here with the Holistic and Healthy Pregnancy Program

Pregnancy Fear 3: Painful Labour Or Forced Caesarean

Caesarean birth rates recently hit an all-time high of 29%. Research shows that prolonged labour is associated with learning disabilities.

However, the combination of holistic pregnancy exercise and nutrition will keep you strong and healthy. This will increase the chances for an easier, shorter labour experience.

Get started here with the Holistic and Healthy Pregnancy Program

Pregnancy Fear 2: Something Will Be Wrong With My Baby

Over the last decade birth defects have increased dramatically. Almost 1 in 5 babies will have a learning disability.

There is a simple solution to greatly reduce the causative factors of birth defects, including low birth weight and poor fetal development.

Proper pregnancy nutrition with particular attention to crucial vitamins and minerals. By following a pregnancy-specific exercise program, it will increase the chances for an optimal labour and reduces the chances of learning disabilities.

Get started here with the Holistic and Healthy Pregnancy Program

Pregnancy Fear 1: I Will Have A Miscarriage

The fear of a miscarriage is legitimate and real. I know I took a sigh of relief once I hit the 3 months stage. However, the March of Dimes estimates that up to 50% of all pregnancies end in this heart-wrenching fashion.

It's hard to believe isn't it? It's because the majority of the miscarriages happen before you even know you're pregnant! That's right, women all over the world are losing babies without even knowing it. The risk is even higher for women over 35 years old.

Although some of the causes for miscarriages are a mystery, there is something women can do to help prevent this happening to them. There is strong evidence that the overall health and well-being of the mother play a major role. You can read more about health and well-being in my article The Holistic Approach to Pregnancy. So if you don't want to be a statistic start with a holistic approach to exercise, nutrition and lifestyle, it will not only be beneficial to you but for your baby too.

Get started here with the Holistic and Healthy Pregnancy Program

11 August 2008

Can I Have A Vaginal Birth After A Caesarean?

There has been a lot of hype about women not being encouraged to have a vaginal birth after having a Caesarean by medical professionals. The once a caesarean, always a caesarean rule doesn't apply any more. It is possible to have a vaginal birth after a caesarean, as I'm living proof.

I had to have an emergency caesarean with my first child as I had gone through 36 hours of labour (16 of those without any pain relief) and my daughter during the end of the 36 hours decided to turn around in the pelvis. This resulted in the final outcome of a caesarean.

When I got pregnant with my second child, I said straight away to the midwives at the hospital I would be aiming to have a vaginal birth. I figured I wanted to get my choice across first before they started to say it wasn't advisable.

To my surprise they said that was perfectly fine. From the time my daughter was born to the time my son was due the time period was 22 months. This was plenty of time for my body to get back into shape and be strong enough to go through a vaginal birth.

I do believe if it's less than a year between births then that's when they don't encourage a vaginal birth after a Caesarean as there is a good chance of the caesarean scar rupturing.

Generally, a vaginal birth after a Caesarean is a safe choice for most women but it can have some risks for both the mother and the baby.

It can be life-threatening if the caesarean scar on the uterus tears open, or ruptures during a vaginal birth. This is because it causes severe blood loss in the mother and lack of oxygen for the baby.

When do medical professionals say 'No' to a vaginal birth after a Caesarean?

You will not be advised to go ahead with the vaginal birth if you have any of the following risk factors that will result in a rupture of the caesarean scar:
  • A uterine scar that is not low and horizontal
  • Two caesarean scars and no past vaginal delivery
  • Three or more caesarean scars
  • Pregnant with triplets or more
  • Pregnant with twins, in some cases
  • A medical condition or problem with the placenta that could complicate a vaginal delivery, for example, when the placenta has grown abnormally low in the uterus (placenta previa).
At the end of the day, a woman who chooses vaginal birth after caesarean is closely monitored. As with any labour, if the mother or baby shows signs of distress, an emergency caesarean will be performed.

I feel really lucky to have managed to experience a vaginal birth with my son. However, he did come 5 weeks early and was a very decent size for a premature baby. I'm sure if he went full term it may have been a different story!! But for me, a 4.5 hour labour with no pain relief was a real satisfying achievement for me.

If you ask me which did I prefer: the Caesarean or vaginal birth? I cannot honestly say, both came with pros and cons.

So Can I Have A Vaginal Birth After A Caesarean? The answer is YES

How A Holistic Approach Can Help You Conquer The Top Five Pregnancy Fears

According to research, the top five fears of pregnant women are as follows:

1) I will have a miscarriage

2) Something will be wrong with my baby

3) Painful labour or forced Caesarean

4) I will be fat and never fit back into my pre-baby jeans

5) Horrible stretch marks

Sound familiar? Well by taking a holistic approach to pregnancy, you will be able to conquer those fears.

To find out how, click on each individual pregnancy fear above to go to the blog post.