12 August 2008

Pregnancy Fear 1: I Will Have A Miscarriage

The fear of a miscarriage is legitimate and real. I know I took a sigh of relief once I hit the 3 months stage. However, the March of Dimes estimates that up to 50% of all pregnancies end in this heart-wrenching fashion.

It's hard to believe isn't it? It's because the majority of the miscarriages happen before you even know you're pregnant! That's right, women all over the world are losing babies without even knowing it. The risk is even higher for women over 35 years old.

Although some of the causes for miscarriages are a mystery, there is something women can do to help prevent this happening to them. There is strong evidence that the overall health and well-being of the mother play a major role. You can read more about health and well-being in my article The Holistic Approach to Pregnancy. So if you don't want to be a statistic start with a holistic approach to exercise, nutrition and lifestyle, it will not only be beneficial to you but for your baby too.

Get started here with the Holistic and Healthy Pregnancy Program

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